If it is on a bland CD that you are creating the Rescue Disk then you will have to tell it where you want to save the ISO file.You will have to insert the type of media that you want and click on the required icon. You can create the Rescue Disk either on the USB drive or on a blank CD/DVD.By double clicking your mouse on the antivirus interface that can be found on its notification area icon, select tools from the avast! Interface and then Rescue Disk from the left side menu panel.How to Create the Rescue Disk in Avast Antivirus through a USB Drive? For more information you can call the Avast Support Toll free Number: +353-212340006 in Ireland

You can use it in instances when your computer has been infected with a root kit and when you don’t want to load it before scanning. You can clean your infected systems and also scan your computer with it. It will be possible for you to boot from it. We can define a Rescue Disk to be bootable media which consist of the latest avast! antivirus definitions at the time of creation. You can clean the malware from outside the infected Windows system with this system as in this way the malware will not be running with the help of the clean-up process.

You can now eliminate the malware which prevents the downloading any anti-malware utility.You do not boot from Windows when using the Rescue Disk, but from a different operating system which can be seen in the Rescue Disk.This Rescue Disk will be of benefit to you when your computer is infected with some root kit or malware and you cannot boot from it.If you have installed the Avast antivirus software in your system then it is highly recommended that you create a rescue disk. Whatever version you use, it will provide you with excellent protection from root kits, malware, viruses Trojans. You can also purchase the paid commercial version by contacting the Avast support helpline number in Ireland. A very popular antivirus software is the Avast antivirus that is available today for Linux, Windows and Android devices.