The developer has more gifts bags planned for 2019, each of which contains "treats" that will "continue to enrich your adventures in Rivellon." Larian Studios shared no more information other than that, but promises additional details will be available "soon." As stated before, the rest of the update deals with bug fixes. How The Divinity Series Almost Didn't Happen

You can also respec your existing characters using these new options by using the Magic Mirror aboard the Lady Vengeance." "There are new faces for each race, more hairstyles, and additional facial features for you to use when creating a new character. "Working in cooperation with Fool's Theory and Anshar Studios, we have created new visual options for your characters," Larian Studios wrote in a blog post. This new patch adds the first of several gift bags planned to drop during 2019, and fixes a few lingering bugs in the game as well. Larian Studios has released a free update for Divinity: Original Sin II. Maat 4:34PM PDT One of 2017's best RPGs is becoming even better.