
Final fantasy crystal chronicles
Final fantasy crystal chronicles

final fantasy crystal chronicles final fantasy crystal chronicles

Gravity Master: His powers are said to be gravity-based, but it functions like Mind over Matter.He doesn't wield any weapons, so his fists and crystal powers are all he needs. Good Old Fisticuffs: In cutscenes - such as his first battle with Amidatelion - he doesn't hesitate to get up close and personal with them.Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: He may be a mercenary with a sarcastic streak that attracts trouble, but Layle is ultimately a good-hearted person.Overlaps with Arrested for Heroism, since he was doing it to protect Belle. Felony Misdemeanor: The Lilty guards pursue Layle throughout the game just because he used his magic powers within the city walls.Deadpan Snarker: Layle often has a quip ready for any occasion.Cutscene Power to the Max: He's seen doing a lot of cool things in cutscenes that he can't do in gameplay, such as making barriers.Bottomless Pit Rescue Service: Layle can't fall into pits he'll always use his gravity powers to pull himself back up.It also made an appearance as his alternate costume in Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia. Badass in a Nice Suit: For the ball, he dresses up in a tux and looks great wearing it.Already well known due to this status, he takes on jobs as a mercenary for hire. Layle is a Clavat and a Crystal Bearer, who gains his gravity powers from the crystal shard embedded in his cheek. Main character of the game and the only playable one. Voiced by: Makoto Yasumura (Japanese), Darrel Guilbeau (English)

Final fantasy crystal chronicles