You see, in a truck, brakes are very important, because all that weight needs to be stopped effectively. One of the important aspects that this training takes you through is using water to cool your brakes, which is an interesting dynamic I personally have never seen before.

You certainly can’t fling them around the 14 Formula 1 tracks (unfortunately, none in the UK) included in this game as you would a Subaru Impreza, modified to 800bhp. ETRC does a fantastic job of giving these five ton trucks with real weight, along with a much increased stopping distance. There are 15 practice runs you’ll have to go through before starting your career, and trust me, you will need them. If N-Racing’s FIA European Truck Racing Championship (I’ll refer to it as ETRC for short thank you very much) does one thing right, it’s letting you know this fact. Racing trucks is a lot different to racing cars, you know. Reviews // 4th Sep 2019 - 2 years ago // By James Martin FIA European Truck Racing Championship Review